Multiple Selections in Drop Downs in Google Sheets

The drop down menu feature in Google Sheets is useful for efficient data entry. It can also be used to create dynamic spreadsheets, for example, dashboards that change based on choices a user makes.

At the end of July 2024, Google announced multiple selections in drop downs (scheduled to roll out in late-August/early-September). This is great news that will give us even more flexibility in our spreadsheets.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at this new drop down feature:

Multiple Dropdowns in Google Sheets

How to Enable Multiple Selections in Drop Downs

To enable multiple selections, create a regular dropdown and then check the box that says “Allow multiple selections”:

Allow Multiple Selections in Google Sheets dropdown

Boom! 💥 That’s it.

Working with Drop Down Multiple Selections in Formulas

If you select multiple options from a drop down menu, the output is a comma separated list:

Multiple Selections in Drop Downs in Google Sheets

To work with them in formulas, we use the SPLIT function to separate the choices into their separate parts.

Note the space after the comma. We need to be mindful of this in our formulas. Split out the comma-separated lists with this formula, which accounts for the space too:


It looks like this in our Sheet:

Split formula for multiple Dropdowns

We can use a BYROW function to expand this SPLIT formula to work with a range of multi dropdowns. This single formula in cell C2 splits out all the cells in the range B2:B6 and outputs all the data in C2:E6 range:


In our Sheet:

BYROW and SPLIT with multiple dropdowns

Finally, we could wrap this with a TOCOL function and a QUERY function to count our choices:

"select Col1, count(Col1) where Col1<>'' group by Col1 order by count(Col1) desc label Col1 'Option', count(Col1) 'Count'",0)

In our Sheet:

Multiple Selections in Drop Downs with QUERY

One thought on “Multiple Selections in Drop Downs in Google Sheets”

  1. Would you mind explain how you’d do the opposite you’re showing here? Meaning, having option 1, option 2, option 3 in different cells and turn them into multiple selections in a drop down menu?

    Thank you

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