GIF directory for 35 Tips and Tricks in Excel and Google Sheets ebook

This supplemental page is a directory of GIFs relating to some of the case studies found in the "35 Tips and Tricks in Excel and Google Sheets" ebook. If you're unable to get the videos working in the PDF copy of the ebook, please refer to the relevant GIF below to see the animation in action.

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2. Conditional formatting of a whole row based on single column

This GIF augments case study 2 in the ebook. It shows conditional formatting of a whole row in Google sheets.

6. Efficiently create column headings

This GIF augments case study 6 in the ebook. It shows how to efficiently create column headings by first highlighting the column headings range and then traversing using the Enter key.

7. Format data by performing mathematical operations on a range with Paste Special

This GIF augments case study 7 in the ebook. It demonstrates using mathematical operators within the Copy-Paste Special technique to format a range of numbers.

14. Retrieve only the unique values from a column

This GIF augments case study 14 in the ebook. It shows how to retrieve unique values in a column using the UNIQUE function in Google sheets.

17. Create mini charts with the REPT() function

This GIF augments case study 17 in the ebook. It shows how to create cell charts using the REPT function.

18. Sparklines

This GIF augments case study 18 in the ebook. It shows sparklines in action in Excel.

19. Motion charts in Google Sheets

This GIF augments case study 19 in the ebook. It shows Motion charts in action in Google sheets.

21. Creating a histogram with the frequency function

This GIF augments case study 21 in the ebook. The first GIF shows how to use the FREQUENCY function in Excel to create a histogram chart.

This second GIF shows the 5-second method to create a histogram in Google sheets.

28. Sourcing financial data in seconds with the GOOGLEFINANCE() function

This GIF augments case study 28 in the ebook. It shows how to create a chart of Facebook's stock price over the past year, in under 30 seconds.